Our team have worked on a wide and eclectic variety of software, covering everything from embedded software to mobile apps; device drivers to games. Using the right tool for the job is critical so we have deployed projects using languages such as C++, Python, Java, x86 & ARM assembler and JavaScript.
As well as official engagements, we also encourage our developers to work on personal projects or contribute to open-source software as a way of putting new (and old) skills into practice.
Some of these projects are showcased here.
A reverse-engineered remake of the Little Big Adventure PC adventure game series (also known as “Twinsen’s Odyssey”), written in TypeScript. Contributions have included documenting and implementing missing operations from the in-game scripting system, as well as enhancing the method used to project sprtes into the 3D-rendered viewport.
A software development environment with drag-and-drop UI design and an English-like scripting language that can deploy applications to Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android or HTML5. Contributions have touched on nearly every area of the software but notable examples are adding support for Unicode text processing, porting the Linux user interface from raw X11 to GDK and unifying multiple platform-specific build systems into a single tool.
A green-field implementation of the C++ standard library and it’s supporting code (e.g. stack unwinding and exception handling) building towards a full operating system.